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5 Star Logistics Network

4.8 ( 8928 ratings )

5-Star Logistics Network (5-SLN) is the industrys fastest-growing, most dynamic and quality-focused cargo/freight forwarding network.

Developed based on input from many freight forwarders as what an "ideal network" would include, 5-SLN represents the next generation of networking. 5-SLN incorporates all of the usual benefits associated with the old-fashioned traditional networks - all brought to a higher level - combined with a number of innovative concepts not found elsewhere. It is the first - and only - network where Network Partners are continuously monitored, not by a centralized Secretariat, but by other Network Partners - all in real time.

All 5-SLN Network Partners are subject to on-going peer endorsement and should any Network Partners fail to have achieved a minimum rating of 5 endorsements ("5-Star Rating") after a period of 1-year, their full membership will NOT be accepted or renewed. This way, Network Partners can be assured that they are dealing with quality companies that are generating business for other 5-SLN Network Partners and are setting their debts promptly within agreed-upon time frames. Until achieving a "5-Star Rating", Network Partners do NOT pay any Network Fees so they can be assured a RoI (Return on Investment).

This unique "5-Star Rating" system means that 5-SLN does not have to establish arbitrary quotas on the number of Network Partners in each City/Country as this quota will be self-established by the ability of the Network Partners to generate business for other 5-SLN Network Partners.

5-SLN is owned, managed and operated on a strictly independent and completely neutral basis for the overall benefit of its Network Partners. It was founded by Trevor Titley, CEO after many months of development. Trevor is a graduate in communication studies from the University of Buffalo. He owns and manages several New York based companies with a focus on Event Organization and Promotion and has recently been mentioned in the Time Magazine, Huffington Post and other media. He worked as an intern with 2 leading freight networks with a special emphasis on their conference organization before establishing 5-SLN. This experience allowed him to discuss with several hundred forwarders their suggestions for the "Ideal Network". With his expertize in communications, Social Media and internet technology, Trevor has developed a leading edge software platform for 5-SLN which, combined with a unique business model that is radically different from the traditional networks, has now been launched to widespread enthusiasm within the industry.

Welcome to 5-SLN.